*** Important Safety Reminders ***
Dear Hillandale Pool Community,
As we begin the swim season, please pay special attention to these safety-related and general pool rules and review them with your guests and children.
All persons using the pool, do so at their own risk.
CHILD SUPERVISION: Parents and guardians, please watch your children playing in or around the pool, even if they know how to swim. Young and/or inexperienced swimmers must be within arm’s length of an adult at all times. Our lifeguards are watching the entire pool and can’t see everything, so parents and guardians must be vigilant in watching their own children.
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied at the pool by an adult member of the child's family (16 or older) or a parent member of the association, or designated adult caregiver.
No running on the deck.
With the exception of beach balls, no balls on the deck or in the pool. Life guards have discretion to determine that even beach balls are not permitted at certain times.
No diving from the deck except in designated areas. Running dives from the deck are prohibited.
No dunking or pushing others under water.
No rafts except at Dive-In Movies. Jumping on rafts/kickboards is prohibited. Pool noodles are permitted.
- No metal toys or objects in either pool - including no chairs in the baby pool.
In order to maintain safety standards, all pool users, children and adults, must wear swimming suits or swimming trunks upon entry into the pool consistent with state and county regulations. Clothing such as cut-offs, gym shorts, and underwear is not permitted as swimwear. See here for additional information and a graphic for approved swim attire (p. 6).
All children not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper, plastic pants, and a swim suit.
Only one person at a time on the diving board (including the ladder).
Do not linger or bounce multiple times on the board. In particular, no lingering on the high dive. Patrons using the high dive must not linger while on the board or go up and down on the ladder. Doing so is a safety hazard.
No running dives.
Dive/jump straight out -- NOT toward the wall.
After your dive, swim directly to the closest ladder – do NOT swim to the wall or the rope.
Wait until the previous diver reaches the ladder before diving.
No balls, toys, or floaties on the diving boards; no throwing/catching games.
No glass bottles anywhere on pool grounds.
No smoking on pool grounds.
Please be respectful in terms of noise with regard to playing music or talking on phone.
No chairs in the baby pool.
Rinse your feet before entering the deck area (sand clogs the pool filtration system).
SWIM TESTS FOR DIVING BOARDS: All children must take a basic swim test before using the diving boards or swimming in the well. The test consists of swimming the length of the pool without touching the wall or lane rope. Lifeguards administer tests during rest periods. Once a child passes the test, we record their swim status for future visits.
CLOSING THE WELL: If members want to swim in the well rather than use the boards, they must ask the lifeguards for permission to close the well. Chairs should be placed on the diving board ladders before swimming in the well.